Due to significant feature enhancements since the beginning of our certification program, users are now required to renew their certifications every five years.
Users with certification dates prior to January 1, 2020 need to complete the recertification requirements by December 31, 2025.
This can be done two ways:
• Passing the online certification test.
• Attending and passing tests at recertification classes or a Boot Camp.
The exams have been updated to reflect changes in the 3D Lift Plan training class curriculum. Level 1 and 2 certification tests are now combined into one. The level 3 test will be a new lift scenario which must be sent to 3D Lift Plan support for approval.
*Recertification classes are only available to previously certified students.
A true mix of training with pre-recorded demonstrations, on-line seminars, and in person instruction to meet all your training needs